Your opinion will be greatly appreciated!-
Here is a weekly circular I’m issuing every week about updates and posts that I upload on my web site.
Few words of intro – Welcome to visit my site –
This site presents mainly my paintings – Oil paintings on Tempera in Old Masters style,
Soft Pastels, and many others – they are presented to you in Different galleries. This site is molded into old newspaper format.
None of my work is for sale.
They are Just to Exhibit and show.
So here is the circular letter:
New works, Jokes, and other new posts on my site.
New works In New Gallery: Pastel Paintings 24 OCT ציורי פסטל
All drawings in this gallery are Soft pastels painted on p
All those works are from late last October and rice fields, country views and tea terraces are from the area between Yangshou, Zahoushing and Guillin up to Guiyang, China.
URL to gallery: https://lorberboim.com/?p=5576
URL to my former weeks works gallery.
A sample Joke:
The minister dies and the congregation decides, after some time, that his widow, should marry again. Since it is a small village the only available candidate is the local butcher. Although very reluctantly, since she was used to living with a bible scholar, she accepts. After the marriage, on Friday night just after taking a bath – the new husband tells his wife, “Look, my mother always said that before the beginning of the weekend it was a blessing to have sex.” They do it and then on Saturday he tells her, “According to my father it is a blessing to have sex during the day before the Sabbath. There they go again and when it is time to go to sleep he tells her, “My grandfather told me that one should always have sex on Sabbath night.” Finally they go to sleep and when
they wake up the next morning he tells her, “My aunt says that a Christian man always starts the Sabbath by having sex. So lets do it.” Finally on Monday she goes out to the market and meets a friend that asks her, “So how is the new husband?” “Well, an intellectual he isn’t, but he comes from a wonderful family.”
.” On my site you can find more, much more.
Like it? You can forward and share.
Have good material for my site? I’ll gladly accept. I need some more jokes in English. Please…
Have a nice and peaceful week end,
The Lorberboim Times II