Gladly presents, on its Lorberboim Geographic Times II channel. a new guide on:
Photography and photographers are doomed? Like Printing and printers? A case study. None commercially content / Bias.
A few days ago, with deep regrets, I packed my DSLR, Pentax K30, Just about 18 month old. Yes it was a clear cut dismissal by a Samsung NX 2000.
My prediction here is about viewing the Photography and Photographers as a professional occupation outlook. I have a De Javoue feeling of the process a when whole highly respected profession with centuries old tradition is expiring and vanishing.
You can compare the tremendous efforts, equipment required, time, costs, learning, exercising, professional work and experience just to print a post like this with Process Colors – to today’s reality when any kid can do this. The same with having a wedding photos and album. I know – many professional and enthusiastic amateur photographers, with big bucks and a lot of affection and care, photographers have to their cameras, invented in their cameras, just like me, will not love my conclusion. But it is written with fiery letters on the wall.
Looking for your next camera?
You can read my Guide on the subject: “Considering a new camera? My Short, Quick, User friendly and Easy Guide – None commercially content / Bias.”
Artistic aspects – Of course there are. I myself share those feelings as I am an artist – Pastels
and Oil paintings on Tempera, Old Masters style, Sculptures, Stained Glass, Printing, Engraving, Lithographs, Calligraphy and Typography. So I guess with quality photographic equipment becoming more and more wide spread, we will see a boom in artistic photographers and photography. So far for this aspect in this essay.
Full Essay on:
I started my professional career as a Printer apprentice, Brandeis Center, Vocational school for printing. Jerusalem. At the age of 14 back in 1956, and worked some years as a printer before coming to the conclusions: Printing as industry is doomed. I can do better and study in the university.Master in Business Administration, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. I really did. I worked as an Economist MBA and Printer as in charge on the printing and publishing industry in the Ministry of Industry in Israel, promoting modernization of Printing Industry in Israel.
I came to this prediction from examining and experience on the subject after a thorough search to find my best next camera. As I decided to upgrade the quality of the photos to the best photos quality I am taking of my paintings and works. Especially as I was going to build my internet site and wanted every brush stroke in my oil paintings and every fine detail in my pastels to be crisp sharp and maintain my original painting exact colors:
The Lorberboim Times II
The Straw that broke my back was when I decided about 18 months ago (March 2013) to buy a decent DSLR that will just remain on a tripod in my studio. I preferred for all any uses a good point and shoot camera, for my traveling. Looking in internet sites to find results for “best camera images” proved to be a waste of time. Doubt it? Try for yourself. Just ask yourself what is the best camera?…just try to Google… So, after looking in many web sites for all specs, I decided to go for Nikon D 5100. But on location in shop, results in comparing with my compact Canon S100, didn’t show any better results. Being polite I asked what else they have, (You are generally unlucky to have a professional as a sales person). I was handed a Pentax K 30. Same price but offers much more camera. Tried it doubtfully. Excellent. Love from first sight. Pentax K30 became a true companion in travelling and not only for my studio ever since, as well as an enjoyable learning of the camera and photography in general. This being the only gadget manual Iever red and experimented. This also led me to dedicate a whole chapter on my site to photography named
“The Lorberboim Photographic” at
So, this guide was created in Sept 2014, with updates,- with fairness and without prejudice (no matter what stock of lens I do have already). In order to give me & you the chance to make your choice as to the camera that will give you the best value for your needs NOW as well as for your money. Given the choice from a camera worth $ 5,000 all the ranges from $ 400 – guess who is my winner? Even if you are looking for the best video camera. Or for sport events, bird watching, etc, you still will start by looking for a decent camera. Another of my private observations in this is that a professional will tend to bring out just one recommendation, usually the camera he have, and stick to it.
Obviously this guide is too long for the space – read and view full article with screen shots at:
Now I got my new camera Samsung NX 2000. After my research I make on this matter and is fully explained in my guide wrote on the subject-“Fancy a New Camera? My Short, Quick, User friendly and Easy Guide – None commercially Bias.”
An Economist note. When you buy a new camera, especially a DSLR you have to calculate the cost and your learning curve to master and operate this. It is a thorny way of long time. Trust me. I’ve been there. So I had quite a surprise – the new generation of Mirror Less Inter Changeable Lenses, Outperformed the DSLR, Smaller substantially, User-friendly and have intuitively controls to let you choose what you want. Simply – today they have much less bottoms that are replaced with controlling all through touch screens.
Trends in Photography and cameras – Obviously I can state some major trends:
Photokina 2014, just ended with lots of new exiting cameras declarations on the way to the market. I myself will keep an eye for my next choice – Now, it looks probably the new Samsung NX1.
Cameras of all spectrum of kinds do get much smaller in size, weight, user friendly is much better with the growing use of touch screens and remote control and connections with smart phones. Prices get more affordable and adding more features and upgrading existing ones.
Competition is very fierce, new cameras and new manufacturers are trying to get a market share. This brings in new features and kind emerge. This in turn makes people to find new uses for that equipment, like the emerging selfie trend market…
Smart phones are improving in photography quality. They have the biggest advantage of being with you all the time, beside its easiness of sharing.
Prices of new cameras have a king of price curve – starts high on introducing and price decline as the new generation of cameras are approaching to market. In certain cases new cameras generation is entering the market after 12-24 months. Prices can drop (on Ebay) up to 50%. I myself prefer to wait and look for a good opportunity…
Finally my personal prediction on most favorable camera – not those of smart phones – will be smaller, bigger touch screens, just minimal physical buttons, one zoom lenses. Time will prove how wrong I’m going to be…
Haim Lorberboim
The Lorberboim Times II